New Ahab Single!

"Mobilis in Mobili"

From the album...
The Coral Tombs

...out as of January 13th!
Click here to order your copy from the Ahab store!

Ahab officially launched in late 2004 with their single "The Stream". A mere two years later the German outfit rose to the forefront of the 'funeral doom' genre of heavy metal with their debut album, The Call of the Wretched Sea. They stood apart from the pack with their knack for variety, and their lyrical concept - the record was a retelling of Herman Melville's iconic novel Moby-Dick. It has been hailed as one of the genre's finest releases and a gateway into funeral doom.

Since their debut, Ahab have continued to write music inspired by literature about the sea, with inspiration from such sources as the wreck of the Essex, Edgar Allan Poe, and William Hope Hodgson. Now considered 'nautik doom' - a term they invented - the band has four studio albums under the belts, and have also made a name for themselves as a touring act, releasing a live record in 2020 during the coronavirus pandemic. In current news, the musicians just released their fifth studio album, The Coral Tombs, in January of 2023. Based on Jules Verne's novel 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, they released three singles in the run-up to the new record and have also been performing the new material live.

Welcome to Below the Sun, a website dedicated to providing the fanbase with as much information as possible about the group, from their history as a band to their album releases, with special attention given to each song in their illustrious discography. We also try to keep up with the band's news as it unfolds, and hope to make this a site worth coming back to. Whether you've been following the group since their beginning or are just discovering them for the first time, we hope that Below the Sun will help you in your own voyage with the band. Cheers!